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Bodyworks’ above-ground aquatic therapy unit with the underwater treadmill is the only one of its kind in the state of North Dakota!
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5 New Businesses Keeping Fargo Healthy

While we love our “north of normal” lifestyle, the winter season can sneak up on us. With sub freezing temps and shorter days can come a multitude of other issues. We can struggle with physical aches and illnesses from simply having to limit ourselves to indoor activity, we can also experience a number of mental effects such as seasonal depression. And we need to face it, taking care of the body and the mind can be extra important in the month’s when our car’s auto start is our best friend.

1. Swanson Hyperbarics Clinic

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a well-established medical treatment for a wide variety of conditions like decompression sickness, arterial insufficiencies, severe anemia, air or gas embolism and much more. Through treatments using pressurized oxygen chambers, patients receive 100% oxygen to encourage the body’s natural healing process. After meeting for a consultation to find out what pressure is best for you, Swanson Hyperbarics has single person hyperbaric oxygen chambers where you’ll lay inside for typically about two hours, although treatments will vary. During that time the chamber starts the compression process, once your prescribed pressure is reached you start breathing in 100% oxygen, and finally, the chamber will depressurize and you’re done! There’s more to this unique technology and treatment that Swanson has to offer, check it out, it might just be the right fit for you! Learn more about the process and what it can help treat at 

Due to the history of hyperbaric technology and medicine, you’ll still sometimes hear diving-related terminology used in the clinic setting. During World War II, hyperbaric oxygen therapy was used to treat deep-sea divers who were part of the military, and eventually, it advanced to what it is today. And still, scuba divers with decompression sickness use hyperbaric oxygen therapy, among a wide variety of other individuals who benefit from it.

2. Soul Solutions Recovery Center

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Hope & Coffee shop inside the
recovery center. The goal is to Hope &
Coffee branded shops everywhere, so
people in recovery know how to find
safe socializing spaces in any city.

Fargo has great physical and mental services, and one more has joined to support the community. Soul Solutions Recovery Center is an addiction treatment and recovery service. They not only offer treatment solutions, but a community to help “sustain recovery” through their Recovery Management Model of Care.

Opening last fall, they provide treatments to fit each person, but it doesn’t stop there. They are committed to building community and lasting relationships through all of the stages of recovery, including after. They achieve this through their community center and withHope & Coffee, a coffee shop set to open in early February that will sit inside the treatment center, serving both those in recovery and the public.

The public can rent meeting space at the center, they plan to hold art classes and invite speakers for different series. Through their treatment center, public events and community center, and Hope & Coffee, Soul Solutions Recovery Center offers effective short and long term services and invites everyone to engage with the community to aid their efforts.

Find out more and watch for news on their upcoming events at

3.Juice box

Hydrating is always important, but it’s a lot easier to remember to drink water when the temperature makes you sweat, not shiver. Why not enjoy something new? Try out a local favorite, Juice Box! While they are known to travel in a trailer to local events like Red River Farmer’s Market, they opened their own storefront in West Fargo in December 2021.

Known for their cold pressed juice and smoothies, the team believes in the healing power of juicing and wants to share these raw fruits and veggie drinks! You can choose from a variety of different kinds and sizes of bottled juice, and even purchase a set for a juice cleanse. In addition, they have fun seasonal drinks, wellness shots and nut milks.

Spice up your hydration and take care of your body, grab a “Juice Box!” See what they offer and place an order online at

4. Bodyworks Physical Therapy

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Bodyworks’ above-ground aquatic therapy unit with the underwater treadmill is the only one of its kind in the state of North Dakota!

You know the aches and pains, maybe from a recent injury or maybe the kind that sneaks up on you in the winter and lingers too long. This season, meet one of the therapists at Bodyworks Physical Therapy and find some relief!

Due to an unfortunate fire last May, Bodyworks Physical Therapy had to relocate for a period of time, but in early December they reopened in their new space near 32nd Avenue in Fargo. They can work with you through a variety of unique therapy types, some being dry needling, ergonomics assessments, massages and much more. Their new space features private and group rooms where you’ll work with your therapist one-on-one, other tools and even an aboveground aquatic therapy unit with an underwater treadmill.

Do your body a favor this winter and visit Bodyworks Physical Therapy! Learn more about the services offered at

5.Birchwood Therapeutic Services & Addie’s Angels

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A memorial inside the Birchwood and Addie’s Angels office. Each butterfly you see was placed by a family at their appointment to honor their child that has passed, as a way to remember them.

Birchwood Therapeutic Services opened its new location in Fargo in September and is proud to offer a “holistic and relational approach” for their clients. Through group counseling, marriage, couples, and family counseling and individual counseling, the therapists work with their clients to develop plans and work towards goals. They believe in creating safe environments to build trusting relationships. They offer somatic psychotherapy as well as Animal Assisted Therapy with dogs and horses, finding and fitting solutions to their needs. Originally Solutions Counseling Services, the business opened in Breckenridge, MN in 2003 before they merged with another agency and, in 2019, became Birchwood Therapeutic Services. They still serve Breckenridge, as well as Fergus Falls and now Fargo too. In addition to their new Fargo location, another counseling service, Addie’s Angels, opened alongside Birchwood Therapeutic Services in a shared office.

Ashley Thompson works at Birchwood Therapeutic Services and is the president and cofounder of Addie’s Angels.

Addie’s Angels of North Dakota is a nonprofit organization that offers mental health services to people and families who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy, infant or child, suffer from perinatal disorders like depression, anxiety, and postpartum psychosis, and even those who have children with terminal or chronic illnesses.

The organization was created in 2020 after Ashley and her husband lost their daughter, Addie. While looking for counseling options for their family, they found that there was a need for perinatal services in the area. They created this nonprofit to help others who share similar experiences as their family and to keep Addie’s memory alive.

There are multiple ways to give to this organization like volunteering for events and fundraisers, as well as funeral support volunteers who receive training. You can also give through sponsorships that impact families in support groups, holistic day retreats for families, counseling fees and more. You can even participate in their annual 5K/10K fundraiser!

Written by Geneva Nodland

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